Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I have to get me one of these purses ... truly a thing of beauty ... and liable to give my aunty a heart attack!
Labels: art, bag, purse, velvet vulva
Labels: craft, doctor who, tardis
Friday, June 22, 2007
pinksy » Blog Archive » Happy Hands Club
He he heh! Me being a geek, I just love this. Someone has way too much time on their hands (pun intended).
Sunday, June 17, 2007
We to the cricket club again last night. Despite the bin bags at the window again, it turned out to be a very enjoyable night. I consquently have an ear worm in the form of Rammstein which simply won't go away. Also I think I must have drank a bit too much because I'm still staggering about a bit, which probably means a hangover will kick in around 2pm. I'm ashamed. I'm off to eat raw coffee ...
Labels: durham city cricket club, hangovers, rock night
Friday, June 15, 2007
Had a letter from the hospital yesterday. It was telling me that I had an appointment today at 11:50am for another breast scan. Now, first of all I think that was a bit short notice, because not everybody would be able to take time of work just like that, mostly I was confused as I had had a letter from the consultant after I had surgery telling me that the histology showed the lump was totally benign (fibroadenoma) and therefore treatment was finished and no follow ups were required.
So I phoned them this morning to check and it turned out that there hadn't been any communitcation between the mammography unit and the consultant's secretary since before I had even had the op! Pah! Grumble-grumble-it-wouldn't-have-happened-back-in-my-day-etc-etc!
Ok, rant over. As you were, folks.
The meeting went pretty well. Everyone had only good things to say about the play and we all learned a lot from the experience. In general, I think everybody wishes we had been able to run the show for longer, as the Saturday night performance was so much more polished and professional and we could have made even further improvements.
From what I've learned from the experience, the only real difference between professional shows and amateur shows is that amateurs don't get paid, and in my opinion they probably have more of a challenge to achieve such good results as they have such limited resources to work with.
We also watched a read through of the opening acts of two pantomimes that WTG members had submitted for the Christmas show. We have to read through the full scripts and vote next week. We then begin working on the winner of the vote straight away as there are costumes to make/procure, sets to build, and lighting rigs to plan! Woo hoo! Bring it on!
Labels: amateur dramatics, pantomime, theatre
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It's only Tuesday, and already I'm excited about Thursday's meeting at Theatre Group. We're having the Post Mortem of the play we did at the weekend, Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Potter. And as this is all new to me, I'm dying to know what the outcome is.
Our next show will be the Christmas pantomime, so I'm guessing that scripts will be brandished by everybody wanting to try their hand at directing. Not me, though. To new. To scary. Maybe in a few years time. :-)
I'm still really tired. Glands in me neck swollen. Feeling achey. Didn't sleep all that well last night, either. Bugger.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Found a couple of interesting and, frankly, scary articles on sleep deprivation.
Scientists Finding Out What Losing Sleep Does to a Body
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Brain and Behavior
I am definitely having that snooze when I get home!
Labels: sleep deprivation
I don't know what's wrong with me today. I am so tired. I had a good night's sleep and yet I feel physically and mentally exhausted. My muscles ache and I can't stop yawning. I really just want to lie down and sleep the day away.
But I can't. I have eleven parcels so far to package and post (eBay sales) and then I have my therapy session this afternoon in town. Think I'll have a snooze when I get home.
Labels: exhaustion
Sunday, June 10, 2007
... I feel pretty rough today. I didn't have a drop of alcohol, and I made sure I drank plenty of water last night at the party, and yet I feel really rough.
I really need to get some proper sleep.
The final night was brilliant! What can I say? If I thought Friday's performance went well, it wasn't a patch on last night's. It was by far the best and everything went (almost) without a hitch. At the end, the cast came on for a final bow and called Kate, the director, up on stage. It was Kate's first time at directing and she did a brilliant job. Then us lot up in the light and sound room got a call to the stage, and all the rest of the Washington Theatre Group who weren't acting. Everyone was given a job, you see, including front of house, fire wardens, set designers/ builders, etc. It was nice for everyone to get recognition for their hard work as well, as none of it would be possible without them.
After the audience had left, Mr Lisa made a quick getaway and hid behind a pint of beer in the bar while we had a bit of a photoshoot, Peter made a lovely presentation of a framed poster from the production which we had all signed, and then all the sets had to be dismantled and put away and the stage cleaned up, etc.
Once all the hard work was over we went off to Cat's house for the celebrations. Had a great night, and came away feeling like the group are more family than anything. Such nice warm people, and I'm blessed to have been able to join the group. For the first time in my life I'm feeling like an empty space is being filled. (Ok, gushy moment over).
I'm shattered now. Got home around 3:45 am, so needless to say, I haven't been up and dressed for long! Just had my breakfast before I'm about to catch up on my email.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Last night's performance went extremely well, and although I noticed several mistakes I'm pretty sure the audience didn't notice. They laughed in all the right places, and they gave a round of applause at the end, so I don't think we can expect more than that. :-) We made a bit of a boob up in the lighting room when we forgot to switch the banks over from one scene to two, so than when we put the red and orange flickering lights on behind the barn to simulate fire, all the lights started flashing like we were in a disco. Amazingly, the audience seemed to think it was all part of the show. LOL
As Cat said after the performance, "It always comes together on the night", and it did because believe me I really was nervous that things were going to go horribly wrong and we would be refunding everyone their ticket and programme costs. But then, I do tend to be a bit of a pessimist at times.
So, one or two more tweaks to the way the lights are patched and tonight's performance should go without a hitch. The actors were brilliant, so well done to them all. Dennis Potter's plays are not always the easiest to do, but they pulled it off beautifully. The costumes and makeup was really effective, especially with the character Peter coming back with a shiner after a fight in a previous scene. Much thanks to Nigel for being so patient with a complete noob.
My mother and her friend will be coming to see the show tonight, and I'm hoping some other friends will too. Mr Lisa enjoyed it and I think he's coming along tonight as well. After the show we will be going to Cat's house for the wrap party. :-) Woo Hoo!
Friday, June 08, 2007
I'm getting nervous. Some of you may already know that several months ago I joined the Washington Theatre Group - an amateur dramatics group based at Washington Arts Centre.
Tonight will be the first performance for me. I'm not acting this time around, but have been given the role of assistant lighting and sound technician. It's pretty scary to say the least. I mean, we didn't even finish the tech last week and last night we had to blag it as we did a straight run through dress rehearsal, but all in all it turned out ok. I just wish my stomach would settle. I'm finding it very nerve racking to say the least.
We're putting on a production of Dennis Potter's "Blue Remembered Hills". Set in 1943 the story centres around a group of seven year old children who are all played by adults. It is quite a dark tale of children playing innocently, but whose innocence comes crashing down in a most catastrophic way.
Needless to say, I will be rushing home after work to make sure I have my script with lighting cues, etc all straight and legible, eat a hastily prepared meal, then I will be rushing off to get there around 6pm to make sure everything is set up and working for the performance beginning at 7:30pm.
I have only one word to say right now ... Yeeaarrgh!
Go and visit the blog of Dave the Sod and watch the March of the Emperor.
All I can say is "Heh!"
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I made this template last night. Have previously used free templates from Caz, but wanted to try my hand at making my own.
I'm quite pleased with this for a first attempt. I think it may stay for a while.
Labels: blog template
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I will be spending a little time playing around with my blog layout this evening, so apologies if it becomes unusable for a while.
Hang in there folks, I will return!
Labels: blog template
Friday, June 01, 2007
Received these in my email this morning, and I thought they deserved a special airing. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing who owns them or where they came from. If they're yours, please drop me a line and I'll remove them and replace them with a link to your website.
Labels: humour
Mr Lisa has just pointed me to this review from the same venue.
Labels: captain rock, music, rock night